Societal Pressure of Men

By Megan Conard - May 28, 2017

Another issue of feminism that many feminists don't address are the societal pressures of men. Because feminism is the equality of both sexes, not just the equality of women, the equality of men must also addressed. Most of the time we address the fact that barbie's are impractical; such as her proportions making her 5'9", size 3 shoe, and be so skinny she would have to walk on all fours. Rarely do we address that male action figures also distort the male figure, such as the "he man action figure". Not only does society objectifies the male body in not only action figures but advertisements as well as TV and movies.  26% of men are concerned with excess body fat and 18% are concerned with their waistline.

Men are also plagued with the fact that they have to hide their emotions and follow the guidelines that say they must be; aggressive, independent, dominant, tough, athletic, worldly, not talkative, cruel, and blunt. If you don't comply with these standards you are often referred to as "gay" or "a pussy" or "a wuss" which although shouldn't be insults, are often seen as emasculating to society (the topic of the political correctness of this issue is for another time). Men should be allowed to be emotional and cry without being judged by society.

Males should be able to look up the word 'man' without a ridiculously impractical image that is unreachable. The connotations of 'manliness' shouldn't be that you have to be tough, you can't be gay, you can't cry, you have to be protective, You shouldn't have to feel like less of a man because you aren't tall even though it is genetically a part of you. No one should have to live up to the standards of being a "manly man" or a "real man". Any person who identifies as a man is a "real man", and it shouldn't be shrunk to the definition of a few words.

megan xx

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